Just Copied so everyone will know:
Do you doubt Bro. Eddie for electing him as president? Here are some answers to pave the way for those doubts.
Yesterday at 5:44pm
Last December 2009, I prayed harder to finally decide who will be the candidate that we will be supporting for presidency this coming 2010 presidential elections. I only have two choices, Bro. Eddie Villanueva or Noynoy Aquino. I have had respect to both candidates since both of them have shown that they were not lovers of position and of money. And both simply wants to have a genuine change. I wrote this article so to share what made me decide to go for Bro.Eddie and as I try to answer the issues being thrown against him, I hope this article will also be an eye opener to all Christians out there who doubts to support Bro. Eddie. First, I will be presenting the most common issues being thrown against him and then my answer. Bro. Eddie is a pastor, and pastors should not be running for government positions because his calling is to pastor not for government positions. Ans. By far, I haven’t really seen a passage in the Bible that prohibits spiritual leader to be political leaders. In contrast to this, we can pinpoint characters in the Bible who were both political leaders and spiritual leaders. And we can see from the Bible that political leaders who were godly brings up nation. We have David, we have Solomon (at least in his early days), we have Josiah, Moses, Joshua, etc. All of them were leaders not only of a religious group but a nation called Israel. And so far, there is no clear proof that the Bible prohibits a religious leader to become a political leader. So for Christians who hold for this position, please give a clear passage that says it prohibits a pastor for becoming a political leader. I already have read so many comments and passage quotes, but I really haven’t seen a clear and strong passage that prohibits pastors for political positions. I believe that being a religious and political leader at the same time is just a matter of personal conviction. Bro. Eddie is doing which is against the law. Church must be separate from the State. Ans. This issue is very childish in approach. If Bro. Eddie’s candidacy was really illegitimate, then he should have been disqualified from the 2004 elections. But he wasn’t. Simply because his candidacy is COMPLETELY LEGAL, as provided by the Philippine Constitution. Bro.Eddie is not a Church by the way. Reviewing the definition of a Church, a Church is not a building nor an individual person. A Church known to be the ikklesia in Greek, is a group of people who believe in a common God. Bro. Eddie’s candidacy only puts him to that position, not the whole group of Jesus is Lord Movement. Bro. Eddie doesn’t have an experience in running the government. Ans. I really doubt this. I strongly believe Bro. Eddie is capable in running the Philippines. One lawyer said, “If Bro. Eddie will be elected, I will give him three to six months, he will be ousted as a president.” Such statement is very common to lawyers who put their faith on Gibbo. But that is just an over statement. I do believe Bro.Eddie is highly qualified for this position. Let’s go and check who is Bro. Eddie. Bro. Eddie is the CEO of Zoe TV. He is a businessman, the CEO/Senor Pastor of Jesus Is Lord, the CEO of Bangon Pilipinas Political Party, an economist by profession, a former activist, a professor of Polytechnic of the Philippines for years without asking for any payment. A student of law in UP College of Law. Let me just make this clear. Bro. Eddie is not a dumb candidate. If the late President Cory Aquino, a plain housewife was able to survive several cou attempts, I believe Bro. Eddie stand a FAAAAR better chance against it. Bro. Eddie is a man with experience in leading people. We are not talking about leading a few hundreds, we are talking about millions of people. Well, granted that he lacks some higher government positions, but seeing all his experiences, I believe he can learn it far better than the rest. Bro. Eddie is “mayabang” claiming that he can change the nation. We are talking about political ads. As I always here from other people, they say that Bro. Eddie should not be claiming that he is the “pag-asa ng bayan”. Again, this is only a childish talk. I believe no candidate would ever say in his ads “do not vote for me”. Let us be real, this is politics and we aim get voted right? And we should be showing what we can do. It’s like selling yourself, to be hired. I doubt if it is pride or “kayabangan”. Well, a better way to answer this is to browse over www.youtube.com, review all the candidates’ ads and judge for your selves if who is really “nagyayabang lang.” A good example is Gibbos’ campaign. It just ended “posible lang kay Gibbo.” Bro. Eddie is a “compromiser” with other faiths. Other Christians who were against Bro. Eddie is because of this issue. They say that Bro.Eddie is a compromiser. Attending inter-faith rallies, making an alliance with other religious groups, etc. In addition to this, Bro. Eddie have made some statements that is against the faith that he profess. Well I really don’t see anything wrong with him having political alliances with other faiths. He is running for a political position remember? I also do not see any problem with that because it is more on living at peace with everybody. I believe it is stupidity to be attacking other religious groups instead of showing them the love of Christ which is all the more encourged in the Bible. Christ even though he suffered from all those ridicules, we can see that Christ showed love to all people and did not fought back. I believe Bro. Eddie is just practicing in living at peace with everyone even of other faith. Concerning his statements which contradicts to the faith that he profess, well, Bro. Eddie is just an ordinary person. He commits mistakes. Who hasn’t? I believe even those who criticize him committed mistakes too. To his critics who attacks him with this, “let him who have not committed a mistake throw the first stone at him.” Bro. Eddie will only put shame to our Lord if he loses this election when his winnability is very low. Yes, Bro. Eddie’s winnability is very low, I do agree with that. And I also agree that if that happens it will shame the name of our Lord. However, I believe that all the more that the name of our Lord will be put to shame if I, a fellow brother in Christ cannot even vote and do not even have any trust to my fellow believer. Funny because even the Muslims trust that he can bring a change in our government, while his fellow believers doubt him more than the rest of the candidates. That’s why all the more that other groups laugh at us. Hope this will be a wake up call. Being a part of the evangelical Christian group, I believe I should give my trust to my fellow believer and I believe as what the Bible says that all the more I should give favor to my fellow brethren in Christ. And because of this, I believe I am doing the right thing. It is not about winnability, it’s all about being one in heart, in mind, and in goals. The problem with many Christians is they only want results without any hardship. Some are very good in criticizing but do not even takes the initiative for a change to happen. Bro. Eddie will only promote his religious group Jesus Is Lord. I strongly disagree with this. As Bro. Eddie along with the Bangon Pilipinas Movement, they have made it clear that running for politics for political renewal. Sad to say, the Philippine politics is in its extreme levels of corruption and degradation. If only we can renew and change the ways of the Philippine politics, then there is a bigger chance that our nation will rise up. But let us say that Bro. Eddie will do it. So? Are we not happy that the same faith that we have received will reach more people all the more? Or, we are just criticizing him for this because we are jealous for what he achieved and can achieve? I always remember one of our mentors in seminary who said, we also have to learn to be happy when a fellow brother in Christ is being blessed. Good thing I am not a JIL. I am just a believer of Christ. Bro. Eddie is too judgmental against other candidates claiming only to be the “righteous one”. I think being judgmental is out of the issue of what Bangon Pilipinas promotes. It only promotes righteous and honest governance. Those who hate that statement simply just hate correction. See for yourself and be my guest if you believe that the Philippines have a “righteous and honest government.” Proverbs 12:1 “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, be he who hates correction is stupid. As I said, Philippines is already at its critical level of political degradation and political immorality. I want change, and I am sure you also want it. Why should I then put again TRAPO’s back in place? We need to change them through the power of our votes. Conclusion I believe there are also other candidates who can definitely bring out the change in our government, and it’s not only Bro. Eddie. And at the same time I believe Bro.Eddie can also bring that change. I vote for Bro.Eddie simply because I believe he is the most qualified for the position and the cleanest candidate to take hold of presidential position. Furthermore, he is my brother in Christ Jesus.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Latest Noynoy ad supports Bro. Eddie’s advocacy

Latest Noynoy ad supports Bro. Eddie’s advocacy
Even Sen. Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III apparently supports the advocacy of fellow presidential aspirant Bro. Eddie Villanueva of Bangon Pilipinas.
Villanueva, whose political mantra is "Diyos at Bayan" (God and country) has always emphasized that only a genuine love for God and for country can turn the Philippines around from its present state of corruption-ridden government.
"Without genuine love for God and for country, it is very easy for a leader to succumb to his or her own selfish interests and disregard the welfare of the Filipino people," Villanueva said in a statement.
In his latest ad, Aquino vowed to fight poverty, uphold the legacy of his parents and pledged not to steal from government coffers.
"Nangangako ako sa Diyos at sa bayan...hindi ako magnanakaw," the senator and Liberal Party'spresidential candidate said in the ad.
Reacting to Aquino’s ad, Villanueva said he is happy that the senator supports his advocacy to raise love for God and for country among Filipinos.
“We are happy that Noynoy is convinced in the advocacy of Bangon Pilipinas – to put God and country first before oneself,” he said.
Aside from using it as slogan in his presidential campaign, “Diyos at Bayan” is also the name of Villanueva’s long-running TV show aired on QTV 11, GMA7 and UHF Channel 33.
“We are a predominantly Christian nation. Yet, where is our love for God? It is not reflected at all in the way that many of our leaders are running the affairs of our government,” Villanueva pointed out.
He cited a World Bank study which estimated that 50 percent of government budget goes to corruption, translating to about P700-billion in wasted government resources.
“If you are a true follower of Christ, as Christians are supposed to be, then you cannot in conscience even think of enriching yourself through corrupt means,” Villanueva said.
“Noynoy must have felt that putting God in everything we do is really the way to go. We at Bangon Pilipinas have always believed that,” he added.
An atheist and political activist in the 70s, Villanueva was "arrested by the Lord" following a series of harassment due to his political leanings. He founded the Jesus Is Lord Church in 1978 with 15 of his students at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines . Today, JIL is among the biggest non-Catholic churches in the world with an estimated membership of 5 million in 44 countries.
Villanueva, however, went on leave from pastoral duties last year after accepting the challenge of Bangon Pilipinas to become its standard bearer in the upcoming May elections. (30)
Even Sen. Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III apparently supports the advocacy of fellow presidential aspirant Bro. Eddie Villanueva of Bangon Pilipinas.
Villanueva, whose political mantra is "Diyos at Bayan" (God and country) has always emphasized that only a genuine love for God and for country can turn the Philippines around from its present state of corruption-ridden government.
"Without genuine love for God and for country, it is very easy for a leader to succumb to his or her own selfish interests and disregard the welfare of the Filipino people," Villanueva said in a statement.
In his latest ad, Aquino vowed to fight poverty, uphold the legacy of his parents and pledged not to steal from government coffers.
"Nangangako ako sa Diyos at sa bayan...hindi ako magnanakaw," the senator and Liberal Party'spresidential candidate said in the ad.
Reacting to Aquino’s ad, Villanueva said he is happy that the senator supports his advocacy to raise love for God and for country among Filipinos.
“We are happy that Noynoy is convinced in the advocacy of Bangon Pilipinas – to put God and country first before oneself,” he said.
Aside from using it as slogan in his presidential campaign, “Diyos at Bayan” is also the name of Villanueva’s long-running TV show aired on QTV 11, GMA7 and UHF Channel 33.
“We are a predominantly Christian nation. Yet, where is our love for God? It is not reflected at all in the way that many of our leaders are running the affairs of our government,” Villanueva pointed out.
He cited a World Bank study which estimated that 50 percent of government budget goes to corruption, translating to about P700-billion in wasted government resources.
“If you are a true follower of Christ, as Christians are supposed to be, then you cannot in conscience even think of enriching yourself through corrupt means,” Villanueva said.
“Noynoy must have felt that putting God in everything we do is really the way to go. We at Bangon Pilipinas have always believed that,” he added.
An atheist and political activist in the 70s, Villanueva was "arrested by the Lord" following a series of harassment due to his political leanings. He founded the Jesus Is Lord Church in 1978 with 15 of his students at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines . Today, JIL is among the biggest non-Catholic churches in the world with an estimated membership of 5 million in 44 countries.
Villanueva, however, went on leave from pastoral duties last year after accepting the challenge of Bangon Pilipinas to become its standard bearer in the upcoming May elections. (30)
Press Release For Reference: Andrea Trinidad-Echavez 0917-5555986
Bangon Pilipinas Press Releases
united front for bro eddie

UNITY BEYOND RHETORIC. Bangon Pilipinas Party has succeeded where everyone else has failed. In a significant forging of a united front, groups once at odd with each other threw their support to presidential candidate Bro. Eddie Villanueva and Bangon Pilipinas.
Saying that Bro. Eddie is for genuine reforms, the three major tribes of Mindanao – Maguindanaon, Tausug, and Maranaw, led by Aleem Naguib Taher, head of UlamaPhilippines – all joined hands with the Christian group coalition of Born Again Churches,Baptist Churches, Pentecostal Churches and Seventh Day Adventists to make Bro. Eddie win in the 2010 elections.
Front row, left to right:
Bangon Pilipinas ARMM Coordinator Sulaiman Sadik, Abdulmunir Aradani, Dexx Arbolario, Bangon Pilipinas Vice-Governor candidate for Lanao del Sur Ustad Usop Dalidig, Royal House of Tugaya official Khadafi Dimasangca, Jun Apura, Seventh Day Adventist Leader Tom Meneses, and Bangon Pilipinas Coordinator for Maranaos Ali Sharip Batua
Back row, left to right:
Bangon Pilipinas ARMM Coordinator Arnold Garbanzos, senatorial candidate Reynaldo Princesa, Head of the Ulama Philippines Aleem Naguib Taher, Islamic scholar Aleem Hamid Sultan, senatorial candidate Alex Tinsay, senatorial candidate Kata Inocencio, senatorial candidate Count Habib Nikabulin, senatorial candidate Israel Virgines and BAPTIST-Philippines leader Dr. Jun Loquias.
Bangon Bagong Pilipinas!
Bangon Pilipinas Press Releases
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
“Even with eyes closed, one can still see clearly the bloodied lifeless bodies of innocent men and women who brutally suffered from the inconceivably blood-lusting hands of the perpetrators of the Maguindanao massacre,” Bro. Eddie Villanueva of Bangon Pilipinas Party said as he described the chilling effects of the grisly murders of 57 innocent civilians, including several members of the media.
Reacting to the arrest of four alleged gunmen involved in the multiple murders, Villanueva said in a statement that people are now more vigilant and would not even blink until justice has been served.
“The warlords’ monstrosity has opened the public’s eyes widely, never to be shut again to the atrocities of armed violence and criminality,” he said.
The Philippine National Police (PNP) calls the suspects as “militiamen” under the control of Andal Ampatuan Jr.
Villanueva said that the massacre itself is the overwhelming evidence of the “continuing crime of breeding private armies.”
“We hope this recent arrest is not just a band-aid solution to the problem but the beginning of long-term solutions to the perennial political violence in Mindanao. We will be very vigilant as to the developments in this area,” he said.
“If the government is really sincere in serving justice to the victims, one of the sensible immediate actions to take is to disarm private armies. Disarming private armies not only in Mindanao but in all parts of the country will increase the possibility of a peaceful 2010 elections,” Villanueva added.
He also called on both the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the PNP to immediately relieve military and police officers who practically did nothing during and after the massacre, as he called the inaction as “utmost abandonment of duty.”
“It’s high time we weed out the few scallywags who unfortunately taint our military institutions and unjustly drag into the mire the honourable men and women in uniform who remain faithful to their sworn allegiance and duty to our people and nation,” said Villanueva. ###
“Even with eyes closed, one can still see clearly the bloodied lifeless bodies of innocent men and women who brutally suffered from the inconceivably blood-lusting hands of the perpetrators of the Maguindanao massacre,” Bro. Eddie Villanueva of Bangon Pilipinas Party said as he described the chilling effects of the grisly murders of 57 innocent civilians, including several members of the media.
Reacting to the arrest of four alleged gunmen involved in the multiple murders, Villanueva said in a statement that people are now more vigilant and would not even blink until justice has been served.
“The warlords’ monstrosity has opened the public’s eyes widely, never to be shut again to the atrocities of armed violence and criminality,” he said.
The Philippine National Police (PNP) calls the suspects as “militiamen” under the control of Andal Ampatuan Jr.
Villanueva said that the massacre itself is the overwhelming evidence of the “continuing crime of breeding private armies.”
“We hope this recent arrest is not just a band-aid solution to the problem but the beginning of long-term solutions to the perennial political violence in Mindanao. We will be very vigilant as to the developments in this area,” he said.
“If the government is really sincere in serving justice to the victims, one of the sensible immediate actions to take is to disarm private armies. Disarming private armies not only in Mindanao but in all parts of the country will increase the possibility of a peaceful 2010 elections,” Villanueva added.
He also called on both the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the PNP to immediately relieve military and police officers who practically did nothing during and after the massacre, as he called the inaction as “utmost abandonment of duty.”
“It’s high time we weed out the few scallywags who unfortunately taint our military institutions and unjustly drag into the mire the honourable men and women in uniform who remain faithful to their sworn allegiance and duty to our people and nation,” said Villanueva. ###
Bangon Pilipinas Press Release
With resolute belief in genuine change, Bro. Eddie Villanueva, presidential candidate of Bangon Pilipinas Party, will file his certificate of candidacy today, November 30 at the Commission on Elections.
Villanueva will be joined by a senatorial slate of equal firmness in the hope for genuine change: former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Perfecto Yasay, Jr., broadcast journalists Kata Inocencio and Alex Tinsay, Jr., educator Dr. Israel Virgines, lawyer Ramoncito Ocampo and theologian Dr. Zafrullah Alonto.
“Bangon Pilipinas is now more prepared. Bro. Eddie’s hope for a new Philippines is also now at its peak,” Bro. Eddie said in a statement.
Bro. Eddie’s slate brings with them a political platform of 7Es, which is envisioned to obtain a progressive, prosperous, and peaceful Philippines.
The 7Es are — Empowerment of the people, Emancipation of the people, Educating the people in a quality and progressive way, Energizing the economy, Elevating the living standards of all Filipinos, Eradicating bad governance and Establishing peace and order in the land.
“The country’s long and dramatic history of ups and downs has been stagnant in the down part for years. Oligarchs maintain rule in politics and economics which is why it is no surprise that the gap between the rich and poor continues to widen,” Bro. Eddie said.
He emphasized that corruption in government is at its worst because, for a long time, genuine public service has been sacrificed at the altar of some politicians’ personal vested interests.
“It’s high time that public servants finally keep their end of the covenant of trust that our people loan them when they get elected in public office,” Bro. Eddie added.
Among others, the Philippines has been named by the Political & Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) as the most corrupt nation in Asia.
“Given a new and right leadership that could rally the nation towards reforms, the Philippines could look forward to the reversal of this unfortunate situation,” said Villanueva.
“Genuine Change” or “Tunay na Pagbabago” is Bangon Pilipinas Party’s battle cry since its inception in 2004.
“We are the change we want to see. Real change begins in every person’s genuine desire to see change in his or her environment. But it takes strong will on the part of the nation’s leaders institutionalize change in the bureaucracy. That is what Bangon Pilipinas’ slate offers to the Filipino people,” Bro. Eddie said.
To recall, Yasay was the first public official who dared to stand up against a president of the Philippines on the issue of corruption, cronyism, and abuse of power. He earned the people’s respect when he not only disobeyed unlawful commands and directives, but also exposed it.
Inocencio, for her part, is a widely respected journalist who has been consistent in her advocacy against corruption in her television and radio programs. She also pioneered Bantay Bata 163, a public service program of ABS-CBN which until today provides assistance to abused children.
Tinsay is also a media man who, in a career spanning three decades, has made a name as a no-nonsense journalist. He has covered four presidents – Aquino, Ramos, Estrada and Arroyo as a member of the MalacaƱang Press Corps.
Ocampo is a lawyer practicing in the United States (US) specializing in family law and immigration law. Over the years, he has helped a significant number of US-based Filipinos with their legal cases.
Virgines has been an educator for almost all his professional life and a well-known personality in the Adventist University of the Philippines which has branches all over the country.
Meanwhile, Alonto comes from the bloodline of the Alonto public servants of Mindanao. He is a brilliant theologian who has written various significant books about Islam
With resolute belief in genuine change, Bro. Eddie Villanueva, presidential candidate of Bangon Pilipinas Party, will file his certificate of candidacy today, November 30 at the Commission on Elections.
Villanueva will be joined by a senatorial slate of equal firmness in the hope for genuine change: former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Perfecto Yasay, Jr., broadcast journalists Kata Inocencio and Alex Tinsay, Jr., educator Dr. Israel Virgines, lawyer Ramoncito Ocampo and theologian Dr. Zafrullah Alonto.
“Bangon Pilipinas is now more prepared. Bro. Eddie’s hope for a new Philippines is also now at its peak,” Bro. Eddie said in a statement.
Bro. Eddie’s slate brings with them a political platform of 7Es, which is envisioned to obtain a progressive, prosperous, and peaceful Philippines.
The 7Es are — Empowerment of the people, Emancipation of the people, Educating the people in a quality and progressive way, Energizing the economy, Elevating the living standards of all Filipinos, Eradicating bad governance and Establishing peace and order in the land.
“The country’s long and dramatic history of ups and downs has been stagnant in the down part for years. Oligarchs maintain rule in politics and economics which is why it is no surprise that the gap between the rich and poor continues to widen,” Bro. Eddie said.
He emphasized that corruption in government is at its worst because, for a long time, genuine public service has been sacrificed at the altar of some politicians’ personal vested interests.
“It’s high time that public servants finally keep their end of the covenant of trust that our people loan them when they get elected in public office,” Bro. Eddie added.
Among others, the Philippines has been named by the Political & Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) as the most corrupt nation in Asia.
“Given a new and right leadership that could rally the nation towards reforms, the Philippines could look forward to the reversal of this unfortunate situation,” said Villanueva.
“Genuine Change” or “Tunay na Pagbabago” is Bangon Pilipinas Party’s battle cry since its inception in 2004.
“We are the change we want to see. Real change begins in every person’s genuine desire to see change in his or her environment. But it takes strong will on the part of the nation’s leaders institutionalize change in the bureaucracy. That is what Bangon Pilipinas’ slate offers to the Filipino people,” Bro. Eddie said.
To recall, Yasay was the first public official who dared to stand up against a president of the Philippines on the issue of corruption, cronyism, and abuse of power. He earned the people’s respect when he not only disobeyed unlawful commands and directives, but also exposed it.
Inocencio, for her part, is a widely respected journalist who has been consistent in her advocacy against corruption in her television and radio programs. She also pioneered Bantay Bata 163, a public service program of ABS-CBN which until today provides assistance to abused children.
Tinsay is also a media man who, in a career spanning three decades, has made a name as a no-nonsense journalist. He has covered four presidents – Aquino, Ramos, Estrada and Arroyo as a member of the MalacaƱang Press Corps.
Ocampo is a lawyer practicing in the United States (US) specializing in family law and immigration law. Over the years, he has helped a significant number of US-based Filipinos with their legal cases.
Virgines has been an educator for almost all his professional life and a well-known personality in the Adventist University of the Philippines which has branches all over the country.
Meanwhile, Alonto comes from the bloodline of the Alonto public servants of Mindanao. He is a brilliant theologian who has written various significant books about Islam
Bangon Pilipinas Press Release
“Among all the presidentiables, we see Bro. Eddie as the only credible candidate who can realize our hopes for peace in Mindanao,” said Nur Misuari as he announced his decision to run for the Sulu gubernatorial race under Bangon Pilipinas.
“My decision to run for Governor was brought about by my obsession to achieve peace in Mindanao,” added Misuari.
Bangon Pilipinas issued its Certificate of Nomination to Misuari and his slate that includes Sondosiea Abdurajak for Vice-Governor, Samsula Adju for Representative of the First District of Sulu, Ahmad Jinnul for the Second District, and other major positions for both the provincial and municipal levels.
Bro. Eddie Villanueva, Bangon Pilipinas standard bearer, said that Misuari’s alliance with Bangon Pilipinas “is today’s most refreshing news for Mindanao.” He added, “Today, not only that Muslims and Christians unite for a common cause, but also MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front) and MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) meets eye to eye on the path to finally achieve the seemingly elusive reconciliation, peace, and development in Mindanao.”
Bangon Pilipinas’ senatorial slate includes theologian and former journalist Zafrullah Alonto who also brought with him the support of the MILF.
Bro. Eddie said that the unity between the MNLF and the MILF will have a crucial role to play in the National Peace and Development Commission that Bangon Pilipinas plans to establish. “Peace and development are inseparable,” he said
“Among all the presidentiables, we see Bro. Eddie as the only credible candidate who can realize our hopes for peace in Mindanao,” said Nur Misuari as he announced his decision to run for the Sulu gubernatorial race under Bangon Pilipinas.
“My decision to run for Governor was brought about by my obsession to achieve peace in Mindanao,” added Misuari.
Bangon Pilipinas issued its Certificate of Nomination to Misuari and his slate that includes Sondosiea Abdurajak for Vice-Governor, Samsula Adju for Representative of the First District of Sulu, Ahmad Jinnul for the Second District, and other major positions for both the provincial and municipal levels.
Bro. Eddie Villanueva, Bangon Pilipinas standard bearer, said that Misuari’s alliance with Bangon Pilipinas “is today’s most refreshing news for Mindanao.” He added, “Today, not only that Muslims and Christians unite for a common cause, but also MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front) and MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) meets eye to eye on the path to finally achieve the seemingly elusive reconciliation, peace, and development in Mindanao.”
Bangon Pilipinas’ senatorial slate includes theologian and former journalist Zafrullah Alonto who also brought with him the support of the MILF.
Bro. Eddie said that the unity between the MNLF and the MILF will have a crucial role to play in the National Peace and Development Commission that Bangon Pilipinas plans to establish. “Peace and development are inseparable,” he said
Bangon Pilipinas Press Release
“While we respect Mrs. Arroyo’s decision to run as congressional representative for the Second District of Pampanga, we believe that her action is a violation of the intent of the Constitutional provision on the ban on re-election,” said Bro. Eddie Villanueva, Bangon Pilipinas standard bearer.
The candidate also said that “for the thinking Filipino, her decision is a comedy, if not a tragedy, for the nation.”
Bangon Pilipinas senatorial candidate Kata Inocencio for her part said that Arroyo’s plan to run as congressional representative is a reflection of how Arroyo regards power. “Mikey is supposed to be on his last term but Mrs. Arroyo instead got this chance from her own son. If this is what she is able to do to her own child, think of what she could do to the country,” Inocencio explained. .
“While we respect Mrs. Arroyo’s decision to run as congressional representative for the Second District of Pampanga, we believe that her action is a violation of the intent of the Constitutional provision on the ban on re-election,” said Bro. Eddie Villanueva, Bangon Pilipinas standard bearer.
The candidate also said that “for the thinking Filipino, her decision is a comedy, if not a tragedy, for the nation.”
Bangon Pilipinas senatorial candidate Kata Inocencio for her part said that Arroyo’s plan to run as congressional representative is a reflection of how Arroyo regards power. “Mikey is supposed to be on his last term but Mrs. Arroyo instead got this chance from her own son. If this is what she is able to do to her own child, think of what she could do to the country,” Inocencio explained. .
Bangon Pilipinas Press Releases
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